Our seminars are open to all woodcarvers. If you have seminar information that you want to share or need more information about the upcoming seminars, please contact Loren Woodard at (573)480-2003 or Lorenwoodard@gmail.com. All our club’s classes will be held at the Community of Christ Church. All members are welcome to stop by during seminars to check them out.

February 25-27
Bark House In The Round
Instructor: Loren Woodard
Cost: $120 + blank
Time: 8:30 am
Loren has a new way of creating the stone siding and a new finish that are pretty exciting.

May 14-16
Basics of Face Carving, Ornaments, Santas or Pirate
Instructor: Gary Falin
Cost: $120, + blank
Time: 8:30 am
March 11-12
Intermediate Woodburning
Instructor: Judy McKinley
Cost: $100, includes blank
Time: 8:30 am
June 26-27
Instructor: Sandy Smith
Cost: $100, includes blank
Time: 8:30 am
April 23-25
Instructor: Gary Falin
Cost: $160, + blank
Time: 8:30 am
July 16-18
Relief Carving
Instructor: Doug Bibles
Cost: $120, + blank
Time: 8:30 am
August 13-15
Relief Carving
Instructor: John Engler
Cost: $195, + blank
Time: 8:30 am
September 3-5
Realistic Animals
Instructor: Debbe Edwards
Cost: $170, + blank
Time: 8:30 am
October 29-31
Instructor: Roger Stegall
Cost: $185, + blank
Time: 8:30 am
November 12-15
Relief Carving
Instructor: Fred & Elaine Stenmen
Cost: $180, + blank
Time: 8:30 am
December 10-12
Santa & Ornaments
Instructor: Loren Woodard
Cost: $120, + blank
Time: 8:30 am
December 17-19
Instructor: Doug Bibles
Cost: $120
Time: 8:30 am